By Kelly Ison

A Bright New Year and a Fond Farewell to the Old!

Ever wonder who is behind the scenes at Einstein Pets?

Allow me to Introduce You to Us

I’m Kelly (founder) and my sidekick and taste tester extraordinaire is... Abbey (My little Einstein!)😏

Together with our fun style and great taste, we strive to create a place that delivers happiness to the world's dogs (one treat at a time) and a community of sharing on health and wellness with some fun thrown in there, for all pet parents to enjoy.

My mission with the company is to hopefully make a difference through treating with a purpose.

In 2011, yet again, another major recall on dog treats was happening about every few weeks. So, with a 30-year career in global corporate business, I used that knowledge to help launch Einstein Pets.

I wanted to be the change, to make a difference. That was 10 years ago. WOW!

I found my A-HA change moment just after the adoption of Abbey in 2012. She was family, and I wanted to treat her like family! I decided to create a treat recipe or two (maybe three), using limited human grade ingredients, crafted in small batches and made with ❤️.   Of course, this a-ha moment came with months and months of research, development and then testing. WHEW! 

Abbey loves them so much so that she enjoys sharing them with many of our friends and family. And so began Einstein Pets.

When I reflect on why I started Einstein Pets, I realize that it wasn’t just for Abbey, she is just one half of the equation. The other half was to create a community of People + Pets who want accountability, traceability, and quality products they can believe in - and taste good.

I absolutely love where Einstein Pets is heading and excited for 2022. I have some wonderful things planned – and cannot wait to share them with you!

Now, if only someone can help me with Abbey’s Westitude!  Anyone?!?! 🤣

Happy, Healthy Treating!
Kelly & Abbey


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