8 Fun Ways to Tell Your Dog “I Love You”
canine companions. is in the air! What better time, then, for us to reflect on the we get from our So how do we say it back to them in their own language? Here are 8 ways to tell your “I you” in a way they will understand.
Dogs Love to Learn When You Train Them with Treats!
This is a how-to guide for using treats when training your dog. We’ll explain why you should use treats to train your dog; how and when to do it; and how to choose the right dog treat for training. We’ve got some great suggestions for the best treats for dog training, too! -
17 Weird and Wonderful Ways Dogs Show They Love You
Since dogs can’t say “I love you” in the traditional sense of the word, we thought it would be fun to explore all the adorably weird, wonderful, sweet, and silly things our dogs do to show they like us, love us, consider us part of the pack, and trust us. Read on to find out 17 different ways dogs show affection.
How To Protect Your Dog From Lyme Disease
Because dogs are the masters of disguise when it comes to pain and illness, you may not notice the signs of lyme disease or you may simply think your dog is having an "off" day. You know your dog best and are her best advocate; if you notice she's not herself, give your vet a call. Before you do that though, check her skin and body thoroughly to see if you notice the telltale bullseye or a rash that could denote a tick bite. -
How To Enjoy Spring With Your Dog
Spring is in the air. In fact, in some parts of the country, flowers are blooming, the days are getting warmer and longer and that means our dogs will want to get out-of-doors and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the spring day.